1st Christchurch (Town) Registration Number 3414 It is not possible to give an exact date when the Group started because no records have survived but from information handed down by past members, it is believed the early registration number was 57. The Group probably opened in 1908 or 1909 at the latest. Stories handed down …
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Across the town and surrounding villages, scout groups were formed, closed, re-opened, continued. Through world wars, economic changes and boundary changes. From 102 scouts in 1911, there are over 600 in 2017. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts run every night of the week as part of Scout Groups, and each has their own style and their own …
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We know it as ‘The Scout Association’ now, but back in 1909 it was ‘Imperial Headquarters’. The beginnings of this global movement saw the organisation and registration of Scout Troops and Cub packs at a District level, usually based on a town and including surrounding villages. Christchurch District was formed in 1909, registered in 1910 …
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Christchurch has one of the oldest scout troops in the country and had four troops within two or three years. There was no formal registration initially so there is little evidence but the troop in Christchurch town centre, 1st Christchurch (Town), requested a back-dated registration to 1908. This puts them on the list of the …
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Groups that have closed 2nd Christchurch (Fairmile) Registration Number 3415 According to the Headquarters Gazette for January 1911, the 2nd Christchurch Troop was opened between November and December 1910 with Scoutmaster R. Church, Assistant Scoutmaster Cox and 16 Scouts and in the Headquarters Gazette for March 1911 it stated that the 7th Christchurch (Cottage Homes) …
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The idea of Scouts and Guides producing a Gang Show was the brain-child of Ralph Reader, a Rover Scout Leader. In 1931 he produced the first show to raise funds. Since then many celebrities have taken part when they were scouts, including Sir Richard Attenborough and Spike Milligan. The first Christchurch show was presented in the Priory …
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3rd Christchurch (Jumpers) Registration Number 3416 A Cub Pack named Jumpers and Iford was registered with Headquarters in 1919. The Cubmaster was Bertha Paull of “Midwood” Oak Avenue, Christchurch, the same address as that given for the Pack’s meeting place and there were 12 Cubs. The Pack’s warrant was dated 6th February 1919. Bertha Paull’s …
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The Beginning 1907 – 1915 After the Experimental Camp on Brownsea Island in 1907, Scouting was deemed to have started. Baden-Powell published “Scouting for Boys” in 6 fortnightly parts from January to March 1908, boys all over the country read them and were excited by the ideas and information they contained, so they formed themselves …
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Bronze Age young people would have looked across the natural harbour of Christchurch and had adventures in the open air, returning to camp to enjoy fires. Over the ages, around the convergence of the River Avon and the River Stour in Dorset, England, a small town grew. Into this small market town came news from ‘Scouting …
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