Hurn’s heritage

22nd Christchurch (Hurn) Registration Number 11856989

As part of The Scout Association’s Vision 2018 strategy for growth, the district opened a new Group in the west of the area. Of the 7 existing groups at the time, there was a sea Group enjoying our coastal location but no air Group which didn’t represent our location within a mile of an international airport.

The Group was registered on 24 June 2015 as part of the planned opening. Hurn Bridge was identified as a site for their HQ but was going to take a while to set up. On 11 Jan 2016, the Group opened its doors to young people in temporary accommodation at Sopley Village Hall.

The hunt for affordable accommodation was long but finally two portakabins from Wareham School were donated. In autumn 2016 these were transported to Hurn Bridge and work started to make one building from them. After a lengthy set-up of leases, and utilities, complying with building regulations and health and safety, the Group moved to their new HQ in April 2017.